USB Streaming Mode

This mode is primarily for real-time data streaming via a USB connection to a computer. Healthypi 5 device streams data directly through its USB port. A desktop application called OpenView 2, a Graphical User Interface (GUI) is used to capture and visualize the health data on your computer.

Hardware Required:

  • Healthypi Kit

  • USB C cable (not included with the kit, you will need to get one separately)

Follow the steps to visualise the Healthypi 5 signals on OpenView 2.

  1. Download the appropriate GUI for your operating system.

  2. OpenView 2 desktop application will be extracted from the zip file that was downloaded in the previous step.

  3. A window with board and port options will open when you double-click the application file.

    Application window

  4. The capability of OpenView 2 to establish connections with other Protocentral devices is a distinctive feature. A list of boards that are compatible with the application is included in the board dropdown.

    Other Boards

  5. Choose the Healthypi5 board. The vitals streaming will start after you select the port that the Healthypi 5 is attached to and click the Start button. You may also log the vitals by simply pressing the Start Logging button.


  6. The logged data is added to a csv file that is accessible on your computer when you click Stop.
